用过oracle rac的应该都知道parallel的用途。 并行执行的确可以大的加快任务的执行速率,但不会减少其占用的资源。 在hive中也有并行执行的选项。
set hive.exec.parallel=true; //打开任务并行执行
set hive.exec.parallel.thread.number=16; //同一个sql允许最大并行度,默认为8。
对于同一个SQL产生的JOB,如果不存在依赖的情况下,将会并行启动JOB, 比如:
- from (
- select phone,to_phone, substr(to_phone,-1) as key
- from youni_contact4_lxw
- where youni_id='1'
- and length(to_phone) = 11
- and substr(to_phone,1,2) IN ('13','14','15','18')
- group by phone,to_phone, substr(to_phone,-1)
- ) t
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='0')
- select phone,to_phone where key='0'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='1')
- select phone,to_phone where key='1'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='2')
- select phone,to_phone where key='2'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='3')
- select phone,to_phone where key='3'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='4')
- select phone,to_phone where key='4'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='5')
- select phone,to_phone where key='5'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='6')
- select phone,to_phone where key='6'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='7')
- select phone,to_phone where key='7'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='8')
- select phone,to_phone where key='8'
- insert overwrite table youni_contact41_lxw partition(pt='9')
- select phone,to_phone where key='9';
该SQL产生11个job,第一个job为生成临时表的job,后续job都依赖它,这时不会有并行启动, 第一个job完成后,后续的job都会并行启动。
不启用并行:35分钟 启用8个并行:10分钟 启用16个并行:6分钟