- #!/bin/ksh
- #monitor db2 -----------------------------------------------------
- v_dbname=spshis
- mo_run(){
- # run db2pd
- start_or_not=`db2 -x "select count(*) from sysibmadm.SNAPAPPL where uow_stop_time is null and current timestamp- uow_start_time >5 with ur"`
- start_or_not1=`uptime|awk -F"," '{print $6}'`
- start_or_not2=`db2pd -d sample -lock wait|wc -l`
- date >> monitor_log
- if [ $start_or_not -gt 0 ];then
- v_f=`date +%y%m%H%M%S`
- start_or_not4=`db2 -x "select count(*) from sysibmadm.SNAPAPPL where uow_stop_time is null and current timestamp- uow_start_time >200 with ur"`
- if [ $start_or_not4 -gt 0 ];then
- db2pd -d $v_dbname -tran -dyn -lock wait -app >monitor_log"$v_f"
- fi
- db2 -x "select a.agent_id ,c.tpmon_client_wkstn ,b.stmt_text, current timestamp- a.uow_start_time used_time
- from sysibmadm.SNAPAPPL a ,sysibmadm.SNAPSTMT b,sysibmadm.SNAPAPPL_INFO c
- where a.agent_id=b.agent_id
- and a.agent_id=c.agent_id
- and a.uow_stop_time is null
- and current timestamp- a.uow_start_time >5 with ur" >> monitor_log"$v_f"
- #rmove wuxiao---
- sh hj_file
- sleep 20
- return
- fi
- if [[ $start_or_not1 > 30 ]];then
- v_f=`date +%d%m%H%M%S`
- db2pd -d $v_dbname -tran -dyn -lock wait -app -latch>>monitor_log"$v_f"
- sleep 20
- return
- fi
- if [ $start_or_not2 -gt 5 ];then
- v_f=`date +%d%m%H%M%S`
- db2pd -d $v_dbname -tran -dyn -lock wait -app >>monitor_log"$v_f"
- sleep 20
- return
- fi
- }
- db2 connect to $v_dbname > /dev/null
- # run ever 20 second
- second=0
- while true
- do
- echo 'start-------------------'
- mo_run
- sleep 5
- let second=${second}+5
- if [ ${second} -gt 7200 ];then
- break
- fi
- done
- db2 terminate
复制代码 ----如果发现新的功能 会更新该文件