本帖最后由 MEI 于 2014-11-3 15:40 编辑
- -- Create the user
- create user XX
- identified by ""
- default tablespace USERS
- temporary tablespace TEMP
- profile DEFAULT
- password expire;
- -- Grant/Revoke role privileges
- grant connect to XX<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">;</span>
- grant ctxapp to XX;
- grant dba to XX;
- grant exp_full_database to XX;
- -- Grant/Revoke system privileges
- grant alter any index to XX;
- grant alter any table to XX;
- grant create any index to XX;
- grant create any table to XX;
- grant create session to XX;
- grant drop any index to XX;
- grant drop any table to XX;
- grant select any table to XX;
- grant unlimited tablespace to XX;
- ---删除用户时,提示无法删除当前用户链接用户
- select 'alter system kill session'''|| to_char(a.sid)||','||to_char(serial#)||'''' from v$session a
- where a.username=XX;
- --执行查询结果,然后再删除用户
- ---计划任务
- select job,broken,what,interval,t.* from user_jobs t;
- begin
- dbms_job.remove(63);
- end;
- --导出(排除表T_ATTACHMENT)
- expdp switch40/switch40@orcl dumpfile = switch40_0606_1907.dmp schemas=switch40 EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN ('T_XX')"
- --导入,从刚刚备份的用户switch40到新用户SWITCH52
- impdp SWITCH52/SWITCH52@orcl dumpfile = switch40_0606_1907.dmp remap_schema=switch40:SWITCH52