本帖最后由 SarahFang 于 2020-2-20 19:28 编辑
2020年纺织工程国际研讨会 (CTSE-S 2020) 2020 Spring International Conference on Textile Science and Engineering (CTSE-S 2020) 大会官网:http://www.scetconf.org/conference/ch/Index.aspx?id=1219 大会时间:2020年8月14-16日 大会地点:中国昆明 在线投稿:http://www.scetconf.org/RegistrationSubmission/default.aspx?ConferenceID=1219 邮箱投稿:scet_service@163.com 录用通知:论文投稿后1周左右 △. 会议简介 第九届春季国际工程与技术大会 (SCET 2020)将于2020年8月14-16日于中国昆明举行。本届大会是由武汉大学等多家单位共同协办。目前已经在上海,北京,苏州,武汉,桂林,成都,厦门等城市成功举办过八届。第九届春季国际工程与技术大会下设三个分会: 2020年材料科学与技术国际研讨会 (MST-S)
2020年矿物加工和冶金工程国际研讨会 (MPME-S)
2020年纺织工程国际研讨会 (CTSE-S) △.大会嘉宾(持续更新中) Prof. Bingang Xu, Institute of Textile and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (China)
Prof. Sergei Alexandrov, Beihang University, China
Prof. Lee D. Wilson, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Prof. Horacio COLINA, ATILH (French Technical Association of the Cement and Hydraulic Lime Industries), France
Prof. Marko Vilotic, University of Novi Sad (Serbia), Serbia
Prof. King-Chuen Lin, National Taiwan University, China
Prof. Hualin Jiang, Nanchang Hangkong University, China
Prof. Chunjuan Cui, School of Metallurgical engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China
Prof. Jae-Ho Jeon, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, Republic of Korea
Prof. Kung-Chung Hsu, Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, China
Prof. Md Ahsan Habib, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Prof. Lugovskoy Alex, Ariel University, Israel
Prof. Sabu Thomas, Mahatma Gandhi University, India
Prof. Masaji Watanabe, Okayama University, Japan; Andalas University, Indonesia
Prof. Henrikas CESIULIS, VU (Vilnius University)/EPT (JSC Elektronikos Perdirbimo Technologijos), Lithuania
Dr. Natalia TINTARU (TSYNTSARU), VU (Vilnius University), Lithuania / Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova
Prof. Jui-Ming Yeh, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), China
Prof. G. H. Jain, K.K.H.A. Arts, S.M.G.L. Commerce and S.P.H.J. Science College, India
Prof. Alokesh Pramanik, School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at Curtin University, Australia
△.文章出版 所有被纺织工程国际研讨会 (CTSE-S) 录用的英文稿件将会发表在开源期刊上,Google学术和知网收录。会前完成发表,会场可领取纸质期刊。更多信息请与我们联系(scet_service@163.com),也可直接注册投稿。 △.投稿须知: 论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。 论文排版格式以及投稿方式详见网站说明。 审稿流程:本次会议采用先投稿,先送专家评审的方式进行,审稿周期约1周。 △.参会方式(注:会议有Oral Presentation以及Poster环节) 1. 全文参会:提交全文,申请参与10-15分钟的口头报告,3600元 2. 摘要参会:提交摘要,申请参与10-15分钟的口头报告,2700元 3. 听众参会:只参会听讲,不参与演讲及展示,2400元 △. 大会咨询 联系人:张老师
电话:+86 151 7233 0844 (周一至周五)
QQ: 741494290
△. 大会议题 Acrylic and elastomeric fibers
Apparel and Handicrafts
Basic (cationic) and direct dyes
Chemical constitution and color
Clothing science and technology
Color, color specification and color matching
Cotton, flax, viscose and cellulose acetates
Determination of mixture of fibres
Disperse and mordant dyes
Dyes, acid and azoic dyes
Fabric preparation
Fabric technology
Fashion and textile product design
Fiber polymers and fiber properties
Fiber science and smart textile
Fibers, dyes and color chemistry
Garment industry and merchandise
Nano Textiles
Narrative textile Art and Craft
Natural dyes and dyeing
Nylon and polyester fibers
Optical properties of textile fibers
Reactive, sulfur and vat dyes
Spinning, weaving and knitting
Technical Textiles
Textile Chemistry and Finishing
Textile Dyeing and Printing
Textile fibres
Textile materials and processing
Textiles industry
The cellulosic fibers
The protein fibers
The synthetic fibers
Wool and silk |